Gabriella Zeno
Wandering-Walking Movement Research
The Mission
The Wandering-Walking Movement Research is a pioneering approach to movement and creative process, based on the “linealogy”, the new ontology by Tim Ingold, on the thought of the dancer and philosopher Kimerer L. Lamothe, of Martin Heidegger, of John Muir, and of the Italian geographer and explorer Franco Michieli. The goals of this movement training and research are: to challenge the habitual perception of what we are, to recreate our relationships with bodily others of all kinds, to dismantle the ideological structures of the Western based on the Catersian dichotomy of subject-object, body-mind, to investigate the origins of human beings starting from the perspective of the pedestrian movement and movement itself, and to explore walking as an easthetic expression.
The basic point of departure for this movement research is the concept that we Westerners can dismantle the ideological structures of materialism deeply rooted in ourselves that divide us from all the other beings and make us perceive the living world as an assortment of commodities, only from the perspective of movement, that means to consider movement the primary source of knowledge, a kind of knowledge based on our sensory relationship to what exists, a kind of knowledge based on touch. This is for the simple reason that movement is what matter exists to do, matter exists as a variation of movement and each being in this world is movement, is a line.
The basic training and point of departure for this movement research is a comprehensive training that investigates the human body as a line and the natural environments as a meshwork of lines. The aim is to explore the correspondance of lines existing among humans and non humans animate and inanimate.
The Wandering Walking Movement Research is a continuous learning process to move in ways that enable us to feel and perceive our interdependence with others of all kinds and the earth itself. To move as a migratory animal or an ancient human, to move in ways that enable us to heal the interior scission that lives inside us, the scission of body-mind, and to find, in this way, our authentic and original place in this world as living creatures among all the other beings, human and non-human, animate and inanimate, to move in ways that create mutually enabling relationships with the bodily self of the earth and our bodily selves of earth as Lamothe says.
The Wandering-Walking Movement Research is a method of investigation about the interdepedence of humans with non-humans animate and inanimate, between humans and the natural environments and it is also a method of investigation about our origins, our origins of nomadic creatures.
Through the Wandering-Walking Movement Practice, the practitioners trace new paths in the natural environments, and these paths are the result and the incorporations of their movements into the bodily self of the soil, the grass, the plants, and so on, as well as the movements of all the other beings, animate and inanimate, and are incorporated in the bodily self of the practitioners.
This training based on trekking and wandering in different natural environments allows the practitioners to feel the flow of lines in which they are immersed because of the atmosphere, to perceive the living world as a fluid interwoven lines, and ultimately to experience the condition of getting lost in natural environment. This enables them to trust in the life they don’t know, to rejoin the world from which all of us come, and to feel a part of it, which means to relink themselves to the ancestral origins of our nomadic ancestors and to overcome in this way the anthropocentrism.